What’s Happening at The Cooperage Project in Honesdale, NY?
When we have visitors at Ledges Hotel in Hawley we love getting to know them a bit and helping them find fun things to do in our area. For some, it’s driving a bit away to do a much anticipated activity. For others, they like sticking around our area and enjoying everything that Hawley has to offer. For a select few, they love traveling just a bit out of town to one of our neighboring towns, like Honesdale. One thing going on in this fun town is The Cooperage Project, a truly amazing and modern yet a definite throwback to how life used to be, which makes the organization endearing to the community as well as visitors. Never heard of The Cooperage Project? Let us inform you and trust us, you will want to plan a visit.

The Cooperage Project is something that is ever evolving and all of the staff and volunteers only have one thing in mind, helping the community. The Cooperage Project is housed in a building called The Cooperage which has a long past all the way back to it’s original owner, John McKanna in 1861which used the building as a place to make barrels that shipped glassware across the country. Today The Cooperage’s usefulness for the community is back in full swing. In the most general of terms, The Cooperage is a building where a lot of events are put on by The Cooperage Project. Let’s break down exactly what goes on.
There are four categories of events that happen at The Cooperage Project, markets, performances, learning, and good times. Let’s start with markets. Every week there is a farmer’s market put on by The Cooperage Project whose goal is to bring the freshest food from the local farm to the community’s plate. The last summer/fall farmers market will happen on October 29th and then following will be their winter schedule which will start on November 8th and continue every Saturday. The staff at The Cooperage Project has tirelessly worked on building fantastic relationships with the area farmers and has paid off in this amazing farmers market. Next is performances. The Cooperage Project arranges for some of the coolest performers to come and entertain the community in their own form. The type of performance can vary so be sure to check the site for a full list of who will be there. On to learning. What better way to help the community than helping its citizens better themselves? At The Cooperage Project, there are classes of all sorts. While there aren’t any scheduled currently, check back and see what they have offered in the future. Their last category is good times. This is a catch all for a lot of different activities and events that are offered at The Cooperage Project. Some examples are movie festivals, game nights, and open mic night. These are fun, and usually family friendly, activities all aimed and bringing the community closer together.
Having a place like The Cooperage Project nearby is such a community gem that it’s easy to see why so many visitors and locals love to stop by. When visitors choose to visit The Cooperage Project, they love staying with us at Ledges Hotel. We love having a fun meeting place for our community as well. Visitors and locals alike love coming to our in house restaurant, Glass, for dinner and if the weather is nice, congregate outside on our decks that overlook the beautiful gorge. Our rooms also give its visitors stunning views as well. Contact our wonderful staff today and book a trip to come see us, and spend some time at The Cooperage Project.
Photo by: The Cooperage Project